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Our Vision

You Don't Know My Story II

We build the principles of divine wisdom and purpose. We receive it and apply it to everyday living. We promote the uplifting of one’s spirit through the dedication to Jesus Christ in the spirit and natural realm. We restore and repair the dignity of the young and old.

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About Us

Here at You Don’t Know My Story Ministry II, we are driven to do our part in making the world a better place. Since 2015, we have taken part in a wide range of activities that empower individuals and communities. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. Are you ready to join us and create real transformation in the lives of so many?

Helping Hands
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Love Offering

We are truly grateful for all the love offerings to our ministry! All of our donations go to helping our community.

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Our Additional Services

Our Prayer Line & Counseling Services

You Don't Know My Story Ministry II, invites you to join us on our prayer calls every Monday at 7 pm EST. We take prayer requests and praise reports during this call.

Happy Girl Texting

Join Our Fundraising Community!

Over the last few years, our ministry family has shown amazing support in providing love offerings and resources for our local communities.

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©2022 by You Don’t Know My Story 2 Ministry. Proudly created with

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